

Oct 22, 2024

THE WATCHMAN - NaNoWriMo Idea # 2




In the dawn of time, the watchmen were created to ensure that the universe’s celestial clocks, with their billions of wheels and gears remained in on time and in full working order. Finn was one of the newer watchmen. He’d only been on the job a thousand years when he was called back to the Sette Prime, the origin world. Standing before the Watch, he was informed he was being sent to one of the far galaxies, the Milky Way, to investigate a report that the galaxy clock was out of sync. It was fast by a 100 billion par sec, not enough to change the rotation of stars and planets, but enough to alter the life expectancy of organisms living on several planets and moons. Advance reports showed that scientists on a planet called Earth may have tampered with the black matter in space that kept the clocks in working order. Finn’s job was to fix the problems and restore the universe to its proper time, before it was too late.

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